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A Lovely Tennis Lunch Tennis Down Under by Fred Stolle Tri-Level Nationals Strikes Again My Secret Weapon in Treating Plantar Fasciitis: A Golf Ball Tennis Beyond the Headlines: March 10, 2025 The Happiness Project Starts a Blog Happiness (and Productivity) in Small Doses

Tennis: The Bassett System

Last week in “Tennis Literary Time Machine: 1980 USTA Publications” I waxed nostalgic about coming across a list of books that one could order from the USTA. I commented at the time that I had several of the titles in that list in my possession. One such example is “Tennis: The Bassett System” by Glenn Bassett.

Correcting Errors: Accidental Sets

Tie-breaker in lieu of a full third set has recently become the more common match format at Adult NTRP tournaments. As a result, many of my tournaments singles matches start with the umpire reminding us of that fact. I almost always make the joke that there is very little chance that I will accidentally play a third set of singles.

Learn To Play: Tennis vs Pickleball

As an interesting thought exercise, I set up two web browsers side by side and pointed them at google. For the sake of technical completeness, I did this from a newly initialized virtual machine from a browser with no search history and ran the session through a VPN to ensure that the search could not be associated with my previous internet activity in any way. From this pristine state, I constructed a pair of queries: “learn to play tennis” and “learn to play pickleball.”

Marketing Tennis Tournaments: Putting Pen to Paper

One of the most interesting aspects of the “2021 Adult Tournament Changes” published by the USTA is the claim that the new structure would make it easier to market tennis to the consumer. If this means that the USTA is actually about to start marketing tennis tournaments, this is super exciting news. As I previously observed in “Donald Dell Fires Shots Across the USTA Bow,” I cannot recall seeing an advertisement for playing tennis outside of a tennis context. Ever.

Correcting Errors: Advantage Sets

I finally catch a break in my slog through the “Correcting Errors” section of the ITF Rules of Tennis as published in the USTA Friend at Court. I have been struggling through horror after horror in this section. In previous weeks we have discussed errors that I am quite frankly challenged to understand how they could occur. Additionally, some of the recent corrections don’t always seem to be equitable to me. Today’s rules are a welcome respite.

The Trouble with TennisLink

When I played junior tennis there were two ways to enter a tennis tournament. One was to visit the host facility of the event to register and pay the entry fee. The other was to fill out a physical entry form and mail it into the host organization with a check. This is the point in the story where the umpire I gave birth to usually interjects to ask about the stone tablet postage rates for those entry forms.