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Tennis Technology and Training

I… couldn’t have picked Edina Gallovits out of a lineup before recently reviewing her Tennis Channel “Bag Check” video from 2010. I knew even less about her. She is a former WTA professional player who achieved a career high ranking #54 in 2008. She represented both Romania and the United States in international play. Her most important distinction is that she was the first player to whip out a jump rope on a “Bag Check” video.

As it turns out, I am hard over on the features that are essential for a jump rope. First and foremost, a good jump rope should have ball bearing loop construction so that the rotations are smooth. The second feature that I prefer is steel wire. That is more controversial because steel wire can leave a welt when you miss. So… basically you should learn to not miss and when you do, consider those lash scars as character builders.

When I jump indoors, I have started using a cordless jump rope… which is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds. However, I only carry a corded jump rope in my tennis bag. There is no way I would ever use the cordless version in front of people for obvious reasons.

This whole post still kind of buries the lead for anyone who has ever seen me actually play tennis… I can’t imagine how dreadful my footwork would be if I didn’t regularly use a jump rope.

Jump Rope, Wastou Speed Jumping Rope for Training Fitness Exercise, Adjustable Adults Workout Skipping Rope for Men, Women, Kids, Girls (Black)
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