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Tennis Technology and Training

My home gym is equipped with a 10 pound slam ball. A slam ball is distinguished from normal weighted medicine balls because it has a thicker and softer surface. That makes a slam ball more suitable for high impact throwing exercises. You can wing a slam ball at a training partner or static surface that would be prohibitively dangerous with the harder medicine ball.

One resistance training exercise that I love for tennis is overhead slams. That exercise is performed by raising the slam ball over the head and throwing it to the ground. Retrieving the ball on the rebound completes each rep. I usually do 3 sets of 15.

In addition to a satisfying whack of the ball on the floor, the dynamic movement of the overhead slam works on the same plane of motion as the kinetic chain involved with the tennis service motion. Catching the ball on the rebound works on the core stability used to hit groundstrokes.

I recommend slam ball work to anyone looking to put a little more pop into their serve.

Yes4All 10 lb Wall Ball – Soft Medicine Ball/Wall Medicine Ball for Full Body Dynamic Exercises
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