Strength Through Adversity
It’s most likely an urban legend, but some people claim that the trees that grow in the closed ecological environment of Biosphere 2 topple overRead More
An engineer overthinks tennis in a daily journal.
It’s most likely an urban legend, but some people claim that the trees that grow in the closed ecological environment of Biosphere 2 topple overRead More
Luck is an interesting concept. Many people regard good fortune as pure chance and random occurrences that are beyond control. I have always embraced theRead More
The January book selections reflect a strong Australian influence as the professional tours compete in the “land down under.” First up is ‘Back to theRead More
The “Courts, Nets, and Appurtenances” chapter in S.C.F. Peile’s ‘Lawn Tennis as a Game of Skill‘ book details his thoughts on the court surfaces thatRead More
Once upon a time, I ruptured a tendon in my racquet hand wrist. The orthopedic surgeon recommended six weeks off, but the best I couldRead More
Happy New Year! It was officially a slow news week in professional tennis… BUT, live tennis is underway as tennis kicks off the 2024 “season.”Read More