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A Lovely Tennis Lunch Tennis Down Under by Fred Stolle Tri-Level Nationals Strikes Again My Secret Weapon in Treating Plantar Fasciitis: A Golf Ball Tennis Beyond the Headlines: March 10, 2025 The Happiness Project Starts a Blog Happiness (and Productivity) in Small Doses

Driven: A Daughter’s Odyssey

In late 2018 and early 2019 Julie Heldman appeared on a couple of podcasts that I regularly listen to. She was promoting her new book, Driven: A Daughter’s Odyssey. Julie Heldman is the daughter of Gladys Heldman, the promotor who drove the inception of the women’s professional tennis tour. Julie Heldman herself also played on the tour that her mother created.

2020 Tennis Industry Forum Recap

The TIA Forum revealed how some parts of the tennis industry regard consumer segmentation. Tennis players are divided into two groups, core and —wait for it — non-core. The dividing line between these two demographics is at the 10 playing occasions per year. In other words, anyone who plays at least 10 times a year is a core player.

Dear Tennis- I Have a Life

Yesterday I described some of the factors that brought me to enter many of the Cat 1 tournaments that I have entered. Today I am enumerating the reasons that I don’t play a full state of Cat 1 tournaments every year. In what may be the most shocking revelation of this site to date, I have a life outside of tennis.

Watch The Ball, Bend Your Knees

The Fiend at Court spousal unit gave me a really thoughtful birthday gift this year. Per the usual, I asked him if he wanted to know what he was getting me in advance of the date or if he preferred to be surprised this year. It is a very workable solution for the apparent fact that I am hard to shop for.

Continuous Play: Medical Timeouts

Every Wednesday this site overthinks an excerpt from the ITF Rules of Tennis as published in the USTA Friend at Court. A systemic march through the rules of tennis was one of the founding objectives of this site. Last week the rule regarding recovery of condition was examined. This week we dive into the second sentence of the same rule which deals with medical conditions.

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