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A Good Return: Housekeeping

So many times in this project I have made a plan on how to cover material, only to veer off onto a rabbit trail or discover that I don’t have as much to write about a given topic as I anticipate. With that backdrop, let me outline my intended content over the next three days.

More Good Returns

As mentioned yesterday, I inadvertently thoroughly covered many of the cases in “A Good Return” within the ITF Rules of Tennis. As a result, I am anticipating that we will move through this section with an unprecedented speed to content ratio.

A Good Return

Today we celebrate moving into “A Good Return” in the ITF Rules of Tennis as published within the USTA Friend at Court. Sometimes in tennis vernacular, the word “return” is specific to the first shot after a service. However in the rules of tennis, the word return includes every shot after the service.

Tennis (Net) Pipes

At first glance, the last USTA Comment in the “Player Loses Point” section in the ITF Rules of Tennis is arguably the most bizarre encountered to date. The comment is related to a net configuration that I initially had difficulty imagining.