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Tennis Down Under by Fred Stolle Tri-Level Nationals Strikes Again My Secret Weapon in Treating Plantar Fasciitis: A Golf Ball Tennis Beyond the Headlines: March 10, 2025 The Happiness Project Starts a Blog Happiness (and Productivity) in Small Doses Happy People Play Better Tennis

Great News About Your Balls?

From the earliest posts about the tennis related impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have bemoaned the lack of rigorous scientific evaluation of potential transmission of the SARS-CoV family of diseases via tennis balls. A recently published study has changed that situation. At first glance, the news is fairly promising which apparently prompted the USTA to issue a statement on the topic.

Photo Gallery: My Baby Brother

I am occasionally asked what my baby brother was like as a tennis player. I recently came across a picture that captures the essence of his play. My brother was consistently nationally ranked as a junior player and he also played NCAA Division I college tennis. At the same time, I would characterize his game as a marginally controlled train wreck.

Tennis Artifacts and News from My Childhood Home

Earlier this week USTA Texas Posted a challenge on Facebook “Tell me you’re a tennis player without telling me you are a tennis player.” The resulting comments were active and spirited. Some were better than others. As I continue to wander about in the house I grew up in, I have come to the realization that this house tells the story that a tennis player lives here, even in the absence of racquets and balls.

Strokes of Genius Film

When I was in school, I never failed to complete required reading assignments. I simply loved books too much to not manage to find the time to read them. Especially when an essay or a test was in the offing. Consequently, on the eve of the publication of today’s content, I had the completely new experience that I had failed to complete my planned reading. I basically owe a book report on material that I have not read. I did what any self-respecting student would do in that situation: I watched the movie.

Player Analysis Technology

The very last section in the ITF Rules of Tennis published in the USTA Friend at Court is “Player Analysis Technology.” Essentially that section of the rules indicates that player analysis technology that is approved must comply with the specifications in Appendix III. Flipping back and forth between the main body of the rules and the appendices is the rhythm of life when consuming the ITF Rules of Tennis.