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The Game of Default Chicken A Lovely Tennis Lunch Tennis Down Under by Fred Stolle Tri-Level Nationals Strikes Again My Secret Weapon in Treating Plantar Fasciitis: A Golf Ball Tennis Beyond the Headlines: March 10, 2025 The Happiness Project Starts a Blog

Seconds Pro Interval Timer App

In my junior development days, there were basically only two drills that the coaches used for conditioning. The first was to line the kids up on the outside of one of the doubles alleys and have us “run lines” which is essentially just a series of short sprints. The second was running some number of specified laps around the tennis center, or later when I was playing scholastic tennis the adjacent track around the football practice field.

Pressure on Tennis Facilities

A local tennis center in my area, Hurst Tennis Center, was delayed in reopening after the COVID-19 shutdown. I have subsequently learned that part of the reason for this is because the municipality was considering shutting down the facility and using the land to expand the adjacent water park. As it turns out, the tennis center is a cost rather than a profit center for the city.

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Geography Lessons from USTA Texas

Yesterday we discussed that USTA National league regulations enable the local sections to create residency rules to encourage and foster local league play. We wound up on a rule from the Texas Section regulations that I believe was created under that general umbrella. It should come as no surprise to anyone who regularly follows this site, that I have some questions about this rule. Today we are going to focus on the definition and determination of a city center.

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USTA League Residency Requirements

From Warren Kimball’s Raising the Game USTA history book, it is apparent that USTA League tennis blossomed despite an absence of attention from the USTA National office. As I examine the rules and regulations of league play, I am doing so with the understanding that the popularity of leagues preceded the national structure and regulation. I think that is critical to understanding the relationships.

Tennis Books: String Theory

Books about tennis do not sell very well. It is kind of a surprising fact when you think about it. Tennis is generally thought of as a smart person sport. Smart people read books. Yet somehow tennis players, who are incredibly passionate about playing the sport, don’t read books about it.

Donald Dell Fires Shots Across the USTA Bow

Last week on Sport’s Illustrated podcast “Beyond the Baseline,” host Jon Wertheim interviewed Donald Dell. Dell is a former professional player, broadcaster, and agent. He is also a former US Davis Cup Captain and represented Michael Jordan. Dell made a bold statement that caught my attention given my current exploration on growing the game. The context was in attracting young athletes to the sport of tennis.

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