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When I was being treated for plantar fasciitis, the physical therapist asked if I had a stick massage roller as she was developing my rehabilitation plan. Technically, the answer to that question was “no.” At the time, I had no fewer than five, including one in each of my home gyms, another tucked into my travel “go” bag, one stashed at my desk at work, and one permanently carried in my racquet bag. No matter where I was, a roller bar was always within arm’s reach. Assured that I had ready access to at least one at all times, the physical therapist prescribed calf massages using the device. To this day, it remains a part of my daily stretching routine.

A stick massage roller is a handheld tool designed to help relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and expedite recovery. It consists of a stiff inner bar that is surrounded by an outer rotating spindle that provides targeted pressure when rolled over sore or tight muscles. The compact design makes it easy to use on all parts of the legs. The stick massage roller is also good for other parts of the body, though it sometimes requires a second person to administer the massage. Until I suffered through my plantar fasciitis ordeal, I primarily used my stick massage roller to treat quad and hamstring strains, another common malady of tennis players.

A stick massage roller is particularly beneficial for plantar fasciitis because rolling the arches, calves, and the Achilles tendon loosens those muscles, which are the root cause or an exacerbating factor for that condition. Tightness in those muscles places excessive strain on the plantar fascia, the thick band of tissue running along the bottom of the foot. Targeting the calves and Achilles enhances flexibility and prevents further strain. A stick massage roller is a simple yet effective tool for recovery and ongoing foot care, even when not used directly on the foot.

My daily stretching routine includes 30 seconds of rolling the back of one of my calves and then spending an equal duration on the outer aspect of my lower leg. I finish the leg by rolling my quad and hamstring for 15 seconds each. That sequence is then repeated on the other side.

In addition to stretching and warming up my legs, using the stick massage roller activates my shoulders, arms, and wrists. That makes it a vital part of my pre-match warmup, ensuring my entire body is primed and ready for action. It helps me loosen up efficiently and reduces the time I need to play short court before feeling fully prepared to cover the court at full speed.

Stick Massage Roller (<- Sponsored Link)

If you don’t already have a stick massage roller, there’s no better time than the present to add one — or five — to your arsenal. Whether recovering from an injury, preventing future issues, or using the devices for muscle activation, this simple yet powerful tool is a game-changer. I highly recommend keeping one anywhere you might need quick relief. Your muscles (and perhaps especially the ones in your feet) will thank you!

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