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Over the past few months I had been experiencing tenderness in my elbow when playing tennis. I was extremely resistant to calling it tennis elbow because… I had never experienced tennis elbow before in my life. However, that is what it is. I found that the Simien Tennis Elbow brace provided enough pain mitigation and support to allow me to continue to play.

As an editorial aside, the emergence of tennis elbow was probably a result of subconscious biomechanical modifications to my strokes due to recent problems with my plantar fascia. The body is a system. Since I wasn’t getting my feet into the proper hitting position, my arm was having to do more work from an inefficient posture. Don’t be like me and ignore those things.

The Simien elbow brace was the only solution I tried and it worked well for me. The selection was easy since it is pretty much at or near the top of most lists/evaluations of tennis elbow brace alternatives. I bought a two pack to accommodate laundering the braces (probably not frequently enough) and also to have a backup.

The brace controlled the pain well enough to keep me going… at least until my foot finally forced me into my current hiatus. I am hopeful that the tennis elbow will resolve itself during my exile from playing tennis and that I will no longer need the brace after Memorial Day.

However, I am pretty sure that the Simien brace will be a permanent fixture looped around the handles of my racquet bag… just in case.

Simien Tennis Elbow Brace (2-Pack)

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