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Andrey Rublev is the next tennis player to make a cameo appearance in the new Netflix docuseries “Break Point.” He is seen during S1 E3 performing resistive side shuffles using a recoil harness. From the context of the video, Rublev is using the exercise as a muscle activation mechanism while warming up for a match at Indian Wells. It is also used as a part of training for many players at the elite levels of tennis.

A recoil harness consists of a long sheathed resistance cord connected to a padded belt on one end and a handle on the other. With the belt around the waist, the tennis player has free range to work on tennis-specific movements. The training partner or coach holds onto the other end as a dynamic anchor. Rublev is seen performing side shuffles with the device. Essentially he is emulating the lateral movement required to run down balls on the baseline.

Resistive training helps tennis players strengthen the muscles involved in lateral movement, such as the hip abductors and adductors. The added strength can improve the ability to move quickly and explosively from side to side on the court. It also works balance and stability, supporting the rapid changes of direction required by the sport.

Using a recoil harness is a professional-grade variation of the movement previously outlined in “Resistance Band Sprints.” While the device can be used alone by attaching the handle to a stable object, it is really intended to be used with a partner who can move around with the athlete to dynamically adjust the resistance while allowing full-court coverage.

I own a SKLZ dynamic recoil harness that was purchased when one of my kids was still playing junior tennis. We switched off using the device in conjunction with the ball machine. It amplifies the intensity of on-court functional movement.

If you want to kick up your training a notch and have a partner or two willing to help, a recoil harness can produce quick gains in lateral strength and stability. It is also a great mechanism for activating the muscles prior to a training session or competition, as Rublev was seen doing in “Break Point.”

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