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A Lovely Tennis Lunch Tennis Down Under by Fred Stolle Tri-Level Nationals Strikes Again My Secret Weapon in Treating Plantar Fasciitis: A Golf Ball Tennis Beyond the Headlines: March 10, 2025 The Happiness Project Starts a Blog Happiness (and Productivity) in Small Doses

Follow the Money: Organizational Behavior and COVID-19

It is striking to step back and realize that only tennis tournament activity that is going on right now in my geographic region is under the banner of UTR and other events that are not sanctioned by the USTA. There is a very obvious explanation for this. At the onset of the COVID-19 crisis the USTA National Office suspended play tournaments as well as other events such as leagues and team tennis. UTR never suspended play. But why?

Tennis… We Need To Discuss Your Ball Hygiene

I was kind of surprised at the focus of the most skeptical comments I received following “Special Edition: COVID-19 and Recreational Tennis.” Those comments were in response to the recommendation to have a dedicated set of balls for each player and to avoid touching the other players balls. A few people asserted that it would simply be impossible to do that. There was also a contingent that conceded that it was possible, but regarded the practice as more trouble than it is worth.

COVID-19: Many Happy Returns?

It seems like forever ago, but back in March, I passed on recommendations on how play tennis safely during the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines in “Special Edition: COVID-19 and Recreational Tennis.” The USTA finally (and relatively recently) got around to posting their own recommendations on a “USTA COVID-19 Updates” web page which is prominently currently featured on their home page.