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Vic Braden’s Mental Tennis is a classic book on the psychological side of tennis. It was originally published in 1993, shortly after my junior playing days ended. However, when one of my kids was participating in Junior tennis, this book was one of the resources that I frequently consulted. The ideas and themes in that book resonated with my own junior competitive experience. I regard Mental Tennis as a must-read book for any tennis player looking to take their game to the next level.

Braden is a renowned tennis coach and sports psychologist. While he is known for his light-hearted and humorous approach to the game, he also offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice on the mental aspects of peak performance. The writing style in Mental Tennis is engaging and insightful. It is easy to read. It is also a great reference for focusing on specific improvement opportunities.

The key concepts in this book include visualization, focus, confidence, and relaxation. He emphasizes the importance of mental preparation for competition. The mental side of the game is just as important as the physical side. Players who neglect their mental training are limiting their potential. Mental Tennis provides a variety of exercises and strategies to help players improve their focus, manage their emotions, and stay calm and composed under pressure.

Overall, I highly recommend Vic Braden’s Mental Tennis to any tennis player looking to enhance their mental game and reach their full potential on the court. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this book has something to offer to players at all levels.

Mental TennisVic Braden’s Mental Tennis
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