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The Rules of Tennis

Ever since New Year’s Day rolled around I have been eagerly anticipating the release of the 2022 ITF Rules of Tennis. As a blog that started with a rules oriented focus, it just kind of feels like the right thing to do. The ITF finally got around to posting the new document on their web site yesterday morning. After electronically comparing the differences between the 2021 and 2022 documents, I can confidently assert that there are no material changes to the ITF Rules of Tennis in 2022.

In fact, there are only three very small updates to the 2022 version of the document at all. The year on the cover changed, as it should. Additionally the copyright date in the end matter of the document has been updated to the current year, which also is not a surprise. The only other change in the document are updates to member organizations in the ITF foundation.

In 2022, the ITF approved some temporary variations to the Rules of Tennis for evaluation. Those variations were extended in 2021 and have been extended again for 2022. The rationale for the extensions is that the limited number of events held during 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic has not produced enough data to make a final determination.

Here is a rundown of the approved variations:

  • Player Analysis Technology (PAT) equipment may be attached to the tennis net post(s), to enable line-calling and player analytics for manufacturers that previously received authorization for that.
  • The WTA may continue to conduct trials of off-court coaching at their events.
  • Tennis Australia can continue to conduct a trial of a 10-point tie-break when the score reaches 6-6 in the final set.
  • The All England Lawn Tennis Club may conduct a trial of a final set tie-break when the score reaches 12-12 at the Wimbledon Championships.

Since the ITF Rules of Tennis is reprinted in the USTA Friend at Court, its release is a predecessor to publishing the 2022 USTA Rules. The availability usually lags because the USTA does not release the electronic document until printed copies are received from the printer. It kind of buries the lead that the USTA Friend at Court is still being printed.

  1. ITF Rules of Tennis, ITF Website, 2022.
  2. Rules of Tennis: 2022 Variations to the Rules, ITF Website.

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