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Tennis Beyond the Headlines: March 31, 2025 A Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Gift Idea A Great Gift for Grads… and Tennis Players Basket Case: The Gift of Tennis for Easter Improve Your Tennis IQ: The off-court workout for on-court skills A Ratings Expiration Edge Case A Final Yoga Flow

Tis the season where it seems that every site on the planet publishes a list of stocking stuffer recommendations. Some of those lists are oriented around gifting for tennis players and enthusiasts. The vast majority of tennis-specific gift recommendation lists annoy me for various reasons. 

My primary irritation centers around sites that publish “tennis-specific” recommendations that make it clear that the author has absolutely no idea of what tennis players would actually want or need. I also have no patience with lists of “stocking stuffers” that don’t fit my criteria.

  1. The item has actually to fit in a stocking. For example, a can of tennis balls isn’t a stocking stuffer because it genuinely won’t fit.
  2. It has to be relatively inexpensiveWhile a diamond-encrusted “tennis bracelet” will undoubtedly fit into a stocking, the cost of that item moves it firmly into the “gift” category. 

It is also traditional that from the publication of this post through the end of the year, all proceeds from the affiliate links appearing on this site are donated with a 100% match. This year, the National Women’s Tennis Organization (NWTO) is the designated beneficiary. 

If the last paragraph doesn’t make it obvious, starting your shopping through those links is what generates a small commission for this site. Fiend At Court participates in the Amazon associates program and receives a paid commission on any purchases made via the links in this article. Details on the disposition of proceeds are available on the “About Fiend at Court” page.

Tennis Court Gear and Racquet Bag Accessories

Combination Net Height Checker and Bottle Opener

All tennis players should carry a device to measure the height of the net. This model hooks to the top of the net and has a weighted chain that hangs down to the appropriate length. This is the most efficient form factor for making adjustments because it leaves both hands available for adjusting the center tape. 

As a bonus, this particular model pulls double duty as a bottle opener. It is a handy thing to have in the bag. This would make a good gift in it’s own right.

Hook Hanger Fence Clip

While the rules and etiquette of tennis say that towels should be placed on the ground during a tennis match, that isn’t practical in areas with fire ants. It is also less than convenient when playing on clay courts. These hooks are perfect for courts without a good place to towel.

Vibration Dampeners with a Message

These novelty vibration dampeners provide a positive message that can help with psychological recovery between points. There are enough of these in this pack for every stocking, with a few left over to give to your doubles partners.

Tennis Racket Overgrips

Tennis players need a lot of overgrips. Some players replace their overgrips every single time they play. The tennis player in your life might have a brand preference, so it might be good to check on that and buy them their preferred brand. If not, this assortment of colors is a fun way to put a few overgrips into everyone’s stocking using a color that reflects their personal taste.

Bottoms Up Tennis Racket Spin Stickers

The ritual of the racquet spin occurs before every match. While “Up or Down” is the boring way to call it, these stickers provide humorous better options. It is a fun way to set the tone before the start of a match.

Sneaker Deodorizer Balls

Have you ever hopped into the car with a tennis player and exclaimed that it smelled good in there? Me neither. Sneaker ball deodorizers need to be scattered throughout every player’s world.

Jumbo Carabiner

I can explain this item in one word: ants. There is nothing like arriving on the court only to realize that someone spilled a sugary sports drink under the bench area, attracting every crawling insect in the zip code. A jumbo carabiner allows the racquet bag to be hung on the fence above all that mess. This is another clay court essential item.

Sand-Filled Hacky Sack

A small training device great for developing footwork. If you can successfully use one of these… I hate you.

Silicon Jar Opener

For tennis players who consume sports drinks or water out of manufacturer-sealed bottles, this is a useful item to hang on your racquet bag to assist in opening them. Essentially, it provides a padded assist with the grip. When playing a match, hands can be sweaty and a dangerous combination with blisters.

Tennis Lifestyle Accessories

Tennis Fidget Popper Toy

Fidget toys provide sensory stimulation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve focus. Fidget toys are ubiquitous at my day job. This tennis ball-shaped toy gives the tactile sensation of popping bubble wrap. Very satisfying.

Tennis Novelty Pen

Tennis ball-themed pens are perfect for those moments when you are writing out a check for a team captain or tennis event that doesn’t take electronic payment. Please try not to exclaim “What year is this?!?!” as you do.

Tennis Pencils and Erasers

For those of you who don’t work in ink, these are fun pencils with matching erasers that reflect your passion for tennis.

Tennis Novelty Socks

Will the novelty sock craze ever end? Not on my watch! A few years ago, in a fit of frustration in the office, I decided to exert total control over the one area of my life where I enjoyed full empowerment. I have worn obnoxious novelty dress socks to work ever since. 

Tennis Necktie

If ties are in your life as the world returns to the office, here is a way to send a subtle message about where you would rather be.

Tennis Zipper Pulls

You need to get a little crafty on this one, but you can pull it off. (See what I did there?) Looping these tennis ball beads on a black nylon zipper pull, you can show the world your passion for tennis by adding a little bling to your clothing and racquet bag. Super cute!

Tennis Stickers

I use stickers on the lid of my laptop computers to distinguish mine from my co-workers in the corporate environment, where our laptops all tend to be the same make and model. It is the computer geek cultural “flair.” If you are in an environment that also embraces stickers… these are the ones for tennis enthusiasts.

Tennis Luggage Tag

A distinctive luggage tag is great in a sea of similar black bags. Don’t be someone who can’t correctly identify your luggage on the carousel.

Tennis Wine Bottle Labels

What a great captain’s gift or other wine gifting occasion. I would also consider repurposing these for the cover of paper notebooks.

Tennis Bottle Opener

Barware is always good for tennis players.

Tennis Wine Glass Charms

A brand new set of wine charms for this season. This one contains a lot of variety.

Tennis Bath Bombs

A colorful assortment of bath bombs for after tennis. Each one of these has a surprise toy inside.

Tennis Earrings

A tasteful demonstration of tennis enthusiasm.

Tennis Medical and Health Accessories

Tennis Ball Bandages

I have always discovered that I run out of bandages before anything else in my first aid kit and always wind up buying more.

Tylenol Extra Strength Caplets 

Every player should carry a few tablets of pain reliever in their bag. I am always astonished to encounter a player that does not do so.

Pickle Shots

Shots of pickle juice will temporarily alleviate cramping. Players should always have pickle juice at hand during hot or trying conditions.

Neosporin Ointment

This is the quintessential treatment for court scrapes. If your tennis player ever hustles at all, eventually, they are going to need some antiseptic ointment and a bandage to treat that condition. 

Lip Balm with Sunscreen

Every tennis player needs lip balm. When selecting lip balm for a tennis player it is essential to ensure that it contains sunscreen. I once played in a tournament where the player swag bag contained a lip balm that did not contain sunscreen. Coming off the first day, I couldn’t figure out why my lips were burning, then I read the label.

Tennis Lip Balm Holder

There is nothing worse than trying to locate and retrieve lip balm from the dark corners of your a racquet bag during the changeover. With only 90 seconds allowed, you want everything you need to be close at hand. I use these neoprene sleeves to hook my lip balm to the outside of my bag.

Microfiber Lens Cloth

Any tennis player who wears glasses or sunglasses… or has a phone… will eventually need a handy microfiber lens cloth. These pouches are perfect for attaching to the tennis bag.


Biofreeze is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever. It is basically on-court instant muscle pain relief.

Tiger Balm

This is the treatment for people who like the heat. “Tiger Balm or Biofreeze” would work as a phrase on those novelty racquet butts.

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