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Tennis Hits the Books

Over the past three months I have reviewed all the books in my personal collection on tennis doubles play. That is a total of nine volumes. Today’s post collects all those reviews into a convenient summary for someone who is seeking to find exactly the right book. Additionally, I have included my observations on the situations where each book excels.

I am aware that there are more many more books that have been written on this topic. It is probably a safe bet that those titles may be pressed into my hands or follow me home from a bookstore someday. I plan to maintain and update this list as needed as those events transpire.

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Best For…Full Review (Date)
Doubles players seeking to make a long term investment in their strategic and tactical play.On The Ball: Doubles Tennis Tactics for Recreational Players, July 8, 2021
Advanced doubles players looking for quick checklists to diagnose development opportunities.Stan Smith’s Winning Doubles, June 24, 2021
A detailed explanation of how to position and select shots with modern “staggered” doubles positioning strategy. The Art of Doubles: Winning Tennis Strategies and Drills, May 6, 2021
Detailed explanation behind the theories of modern “staggered” doubles position strategy. Dynamite Doubles: Play Winning Tennis Today, May 13, 2021.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_0303.jpgBroad concepts of the doubles game, serving, receiving, net play, and baseline play. The strategic foundations of playing supported by diagrams on how to play out points to the best advantage.The Game of Doubles In Tennis, May 27, 2021

Players who want to dictate how each point is played and are willing to invest in understanding the arsenal of patterns and tactics to make that happen.Scott Perlstein: Winning Doubles, June 17, 2021
Players new to tennis and doubles who are seeking to build foundational skills and tactical awareness.Unlimited Doubles!!, July 1, 2021
Understanding philosophical foundations expressed with wit and wisdom.Vic Braden’s Laugh and Win at Doubles, June 10, 2021
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image.pngBeginning club level players. Also as a historical time capsule of the pre-NTRP era of recreational tennis. Women’s Winning Doubles, June 3, 2021.
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