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I don’t make new year’s resolutions. I set goals. A resolution is a decision to do or not do something. A goal is something to be attained, usually involving planning and a series of actions. Resolutions take willpower. Goals take effort. Lapses in willpower tends to kill resolutions. Lapses of effort… I can double down the next day.

For me, New Year’s Eve is the inflection point for annual goal setting. It is a time to reflect on my goals for the previous year as well as to set new goals for the year to come. I have tried engaging my immediate family in this exercise in previous years with very limited success, meaning absolutely none. This is an annual ritual that I have come to enjoy in peaceful solitude.

The purpose of this post is not to enumerate all of the goals that I am in the midst of considering for 2020, but rather to describe the one that is relevant to this blog. My overarching theme this year is to spend more time doing things that I enjoy. One of those is writing.

In 2020, one of my goals is to write and publish something about tennis every single day. This blog was created as a public accountability mechanism for that goal, and will be how I measure my results. The criteria will be simply whether I post something every day.

I have no goals related to promoting the blog or building readership this year. Rather it is an exercise to challenge myself to write every day. Probably this is best thought of as a public personal diary that anyone is welcome to read. It won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t.

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