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The Best of Bag Check

Bobby Reynolds was a standout NCAA tennis player for the Vanderbilt team that reached the NCAA Championship finals in 2003. He also played on the ATP tour for about 11 years where he acheived a career high singles ranking of 63. In 2010, he was featured in a Tennis Channel “Bag Check” infomercial. One of the items that Reynolds pulled out of his bag on that segment was a deck of playing cards.

I do not carry playing cards in my tennis bag. However, I always have a deck handy in the “Rain Delay” bin of my “Tennis Trunk Locker.” In addition to the traditional playing cards, I also have an “Uno” deck and some dice games.

I don’t know that I have ever used them in an adult tournament setting. Hands down some of the happiest memories from my junior playing days were the raucous Uno games played on the floor of tennis center pro-shops. Those were simpler times.

I still harbor the fantasy that the playing community can connect on a personal level rather than retreating to our phones when we are gathered together waiting out the weather. The rain delay bin keeps the dream alive.

Bicycle Standard Face Playing Cards, 2 Piece

Classic UNO Card Game
LCR® Left Center Right™ Dice Game

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