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Sometimes, I worry that the Trophy Husband is about to figure out that this blog provides a flimsy excuse to purchase every obscure tennis book I come across. That withstanding, one of my objectives for this site is to provide a beacon of comprehensive exploration and insightful analysis. I contend that over the past four years, no other source has reviewed as many tennis books as Fiend at Court.

As I recap the books reviewed by this site in 2023, I am pleased with the breadth and depth of coverage. This year, I read and wrote about timeless classics, celebrations of the sport’s rich history, personal memoirs, and instructional guides. I also made a very fun swing through some of the fictional novels about tennis.

This introspective look helps me understand what general category of topics I should focus on in the coming year. My commitment to providing readers with nuanced perspectives and informed recommendations remains absolute. I want to establish Fiend at Court as the authoritative source of the best books in tennis literature. If there is any book or topic you would like to see more of, please let me know.

Tennis Novels

Tennis Instruction and Improvement

Tennis Biographies and Memoirs

Tennis History


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