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Last December, I wrote a series of posts highlighting the “12 Habits of Highly Successful Tennis Players.” Throughout 2023, the first weekend of every month features an in-depth look at one of those habits. The deep dive topic for July is “Preparation.” The very best players in Adult Senior tennis pay meticulous attention to preparation.

Today’s post focuses on preparation specific to match day. Everything that the most competitive tennis players do is oriented toward winning those big matches. Match day preparation is arguably the most observable aspect of what these players do to get ready. However, there is a lot more than meets the eye.

For example, hydration is a key part of the advanced planning exhibited by most of the best players in Adult Senior tennis. They increase their fluid intake long before stepping onto the court. They know the best way to stave off cramps and other negative consequences from inadequate fluid intake is to drink before they are thirsty. On the day of the match, these players will consume fluids in anticipation of subsequent match play. In fact, they likely start that preparation the evening before they play.

The very best tennis players also understand the importance of being well-rested on match day. They will go to bed early enough to ensure adequate sleep and will avoid overstimulating themselves in ways that make it hard to unwind. Many of the top players use evening meditation and breathing exercises to support and enhance a night of high-quality sleep.

Preparation for competition also includes dietary intake. Those calories provide the fuel that powers their matchplay. These players never go to bed without knowing exactly where, when, and what they will have for breakfast the next morning. Other meals and snacks throughout the day are similarly thought out in advance. They know what foods support their competitive requirements and plan in advance to ensure access to the food they need.

Finally, you will not see many of the top players in tennis roll into the parking lot immediately before their scheduled match time. If you do, it is likely that they warmed up at an alternate site. These players spend a lot of time stretching before they ever start hitting balls. Their warm-up routines are precisely tuned to exactly what they need.

The litany of things that the very best players in tennis do to prepare for match day consists of mitigations that eliminate excuses for poor performance used by less competitive players. Dehydration, poor sleep, meal disruptions, and inadequate warm-up are all things that can be avoided with advanced planning and preparation.

The very best players in tennis do the things on match day that give themselves the absolute best chance to win. They have spent a lifetime achieving an elite level of competitive mastery. They certainly aren’t going to throw it all away due to inadequate preparation immediately before they step out onto the court on the big day.

Throughout 2023 I am exploring the 12 Habits of Highly Successful Tennis Players. A complete summary of all posts on that topic and what is coming up for the remainder of this year can be found on the 12 Habits of Highly Successful Tennis Players homepage.

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