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The Game of Default Chicken A Lovely Tennis Lunch Tennis Down Under by Fred Stolle Tri-Level Nationals Strikes Again My Secret Weapon in Treating Plantar Fasciitis: A Golf Ball Tennis Beyond the Headlines: March 10, 2025 The Happiness Project Starts a Blog

I started this site as a way for me to track and manage a goal that I established for myself for 2020. The goal is to write a page a day about tennis. The sequence of events is already documented in one of the earliest posts that I made which can be conveniently reached from the “Start from the Beginning” button in the banner above.

The stated purpose of this blog is a daily journal focusing on the rules and tribulations of tennis. The rules are an interest area for me and it is a convenient mechanism for ensuring that there is a ready prompt to write about every day. As I edit this post this morning, I realized that my last rules related post was June 4.

For the past month this daily missive has focused on more current topics which are both enabled and precipitated by the COVID-19 crisis. When I started my last tangent on June 5, I thought it would be about a one week foray into current events before I got back to my knitting.

I just took inventory of my “hot list” for future posts and realized that I have more than a 30 days worth of material. That’s a long time to stay off topic. Just as the USTA is re-imagining how that organization can be structured to better serve the tennis community, I find myself thinking through how to structure this effort into a more coherent flow.

It is clear to me that I want to resume writing about the rules, but not at the expense of putting other areas that I want to explore on the back burner. The best way I know to do this is to establish a weekly schedule of topics. I have kind of already started this on the down low.

MondayTennis News You Can Use. Riffing on a current tennis news event for applicability to adult recreational tennis.
TuesdayTechnology Tuesday. Technology and equipment that relates to tennis.
WednesdayThe Rules of Tennis. Weekly focus on one or more rules of tennis.
ThursdayTennis Hits the Books. Tennis books and related topics.
FridayFiend at Court Unplugged. Anything goes. Current focus is on growing the game of Tennis.
SaturdayFiend at Court Unplugged. Anything goes. Current focus is on growing the game of Tennis.
SundayFiend at Court Unplugged. Anything goes. Current focus is on growing the game of Tennis.

I am going to do my very best to stick with this pattern. As has always been the case with this project current events and my monkey brain could force a departure at any time.

It kind of buries the lead, but today I am also celebrating passing the half way mark of pushing out a page every day. I hardly every think about this project in those terms anymore. I think this is the end of monthly introspection posts.

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