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Last year, I wrote a series of posts highlighting the “12 Habits of Highly Successful Tennis Players.” Throughout 2023, the first weekend of every month features an in-depth look at one of those habits. December’s final deep dive topic is “Supporting the Tennis Ecosystem.” The best players in Senior Adult tennis provide financial resources for the sport.

One way these top players support the ecosystem is by bestowing gifts that promote tennis. For those with the financial resources, it is the easiest way to contribute to the growth and development of the sport. The tennis ecosystem can always benefit from the donation of money and items.

Many tennis organizations at the national and local levels work towards promoting the sport, developing young players, and organizing events. Finding an organization that aligns with your tennis interests and values and simply making a direct financial donation is a turnkey method of supporting the tennis ecosystem.

I donate annually to the National Women’s Tennis Organization, which advocates and supports senior women’s tennis events and programs. The National Senior Men’s Tennis Association promotes the same mission for the men. The USTA Foundation supports the National Junior Tennis League, which provides a happy and stable environment for youth in the United States.

With a minimum of research, it is fairly easy to find local tennis advocacy organizations in places where you can see the direct impact of your donation dollars. As I drill down into my own local area, the Texas Tennis Foundation provides grants, scholarships, and educational opportunities for at-risk youth, adaptive, and wheelchair populations. The Dallas Tennis Association transforms donations into tutoring, tennis instruction, life skills training, and tennis equipment for local area youth.

You can also support tennis by donating items to non-profits that don’t have a tennis-specific mission. Become the go-to person for any tennis-specific requests on “Angel Trees” that pop up during the holiday season. Donating racquets and balls to community-based programs encourages tennis at the grassroots level.

Another player in my personal circle recently shared that she has been purchasing tennis shoes for a kid in her local area whose family could not afford a sports-specific sneaker. I have been known to install new net straps when encountering neglected public part courts. These are examples of making a difference through gifts at the micro-level.

This holiday season, consider supporting the tennis ecosystem with gifts that promote the sport. Making financial donations is yet another way that the very best players in Senior adult tennis embody what we should all aspire to be.

Throughout 2023, I have been exploring the 12 Habits of Highly Successful Tennis Players. A complete summary of all posts on that topic can be found on the 12 Habits of Highly Successful Tennis Players homepage.

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