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I was delighted to learn that Paul Fein’s excellent tennis book, The Fein Points of Tennis, was recently recognized as a Silver award winner by the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year program. Thousands of books are entered each year, and over 100 librarians and booksellers take part in the judging process. I am so happy to see a tennis book recognized as among the best in independent publishing.

Paul was generous enough to share a list of tennis books recommended in The Fein Points of Tennis in a comment he previously made to my post “Why (Tennis) Books.” The chapter, “Tennis Instruction Books That Have Stood the Test of Time,” is a cornucopia of great resources. I am taking this opportunity to reprint that list along with my own observations about each recommendation.

Fein RecommendationComments
Match Play and the Spin of the Ball
Bill Tilden
A Kindle edition was published in 2011 and I own a copy. This book is slated for review after the conclusion of the US Open this year. This book is referenced/mentioned over and over in other great tennis books.
Tennis: How to Play It, How to Teach It
Ed Faulkner
This title was previously unfamiliar to me. The book is out of print, but there are a few copies floating around on the secondary market.
Championship Strategy
Pancho Segura
I have heard of this book, but have never run across a copy.
Tennis 2000: Strokes, Strategy, and Psychology for a Lifetime
Vic Braden
This book was published in 1998 and still appears to be in print. I already own every other book by Vic Braden except this one. (In related news, I just fixed that!)
The Physics and Technology of Tennis
Dr. Howard Brody, Rod Cross, and Crawford Lindsey
I am an engineer… of course I have this book and love it.
Absolute Tennis: The best and next way to play the game
Marty Smith
I have come across this book in a used bookstore before and passed it up because I thought I already owned a copy. I apparently don’t, because I was unable to locate it while writing this post.
Modern Tennis
P.A. Vaile
This book was originally published in 1917 and went back into print in 2015. My copy is on order.
Fifty Years of Lawn Tennis in the United States
United States Lawn Tennis Association
I am aware of this history but have been unable to locate a reasonably priced copy in the secondary market.
The Game of Doubles in Tennis
William F. Talbert and Bruce S. Olds
Previously reviewed on this site in 2021.
The Education of a Tennis Player
Rod Laver
Before the Australian Open this year, I considered reviewing this book, but opted for a different title on Laver. This is a candidate for AO season 2023.
Fine Points of Tennis
Paul Metzler
I have heard of this book, have never run across a copy.
Tennis for Life
Peter Burwash
It wasn’t exactly a review, but I wrote about this book in 2020.
Tennis: Play to Win the Czech Way: Technique, Tactics, Training
Dr. Jindrich Hohm
This is the first time I have come across this title. It is out of print, but some pricey copies are available on the secondary market. I have a birthday coming up…
Coaching Tennis
Chuck Kriese
Great book. I own a copy. No immediate plans to review it, but will probably get around to it eventually.
Doubles Tennis Tactics
Louis Cayer
This book was already on my wish list and and this post prompted me to go ahead and order it.
Women’s Tennis Tactics
Ron Antoun
Great book. I own a copy. This is another likely to be reviewed after the US Open this year.
Technique Development in Tennis Stroke Production
Bruce C. Elliot, Machar Reid, and Miguel Crespo
I am aware of the book and would love to have a copy if I could find one.
Tennis Anatomy
E. Paul Roetert with Mark S. Kovacs
I have this book and love it.
International Book of Tennis Drills
Professional Tennis Registry
I have this book and love it. In related news, I never pass up an opportunity to buy a book of tennis drills.
Mark Hodgkinson
I am aware of this book and have passed it over because I see “Graphic Biography” and think comic book. Fein’s recommendation forces me to rethink that position.

And of course, if you are looking for a Foreword INDIES Silver award winner, I continue to derive great benefit from Paul Fein’s excellent book.

The Fein Points of Tennis
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