Volunteers are the Backbone of the USTA
The organization structure of the USTA at every level relies on a small number of paid staff supplemented by a much larger cadre of volunteers.Read More
1 responseAn engineer overthinks tennis in a daily journal.
The organization structure of the USTA at every level relies on a small number of paid staff supplemented by a much larger cadre of volunteers.Read More
1 responseOnce upon a time, the publisher Harper Collins launched a series of books with titles starting with “I know absolutely nothing about…” If amazon isRead More
Lindsay Davenport made an offhand comment during a Tennis Channel match broadcast last week that stopped me cold. It was about how the culture onRead More
The Facebook group of active USTA tournament players in Texas has a periodic spirited debate over how events should be scheduled. The Level 5 “MajorRead More
Today is the first Friday of the month, which means that it is once again time to consider one of the 12 “gifts” that youRead More
1 responseThe USTA Adult ranking system awards different points for equivalent order of finish across various draw formats. For example, the second place finisher in aRead More
1 responseOne of the primary reasons the “Tennis Tournament Ranking System Player Survey” was conducted was to collect player preference data on how many tournaments should beRead More
The “Tennis Tournament Ranking System Player Survey” was closed to additional responses last week. That means that analysis has begun in earnest. I am delightedRead More
I am on a 40+ 9.0 Mixed doubles team from Wichita Falls that is desperately seeking a place to play. It is a great caseRead More
The disqualification process in USTA League tennis is broken. Today I am enumerating why I think disqualification ultimately hurts the tennis ecosystem. Additionally, disqualification isRead More