For the Sake of Transparency
At the last USTA Texas Annual Meeting, Brian Vahaly, the First Vice President of USTA National, emphasized the need for greater transparency within the organization.Read More
An engineer overthinks tennis in a daily journal.
At the last USTA Texas Annual Meeting, Brian Vahaly, the First Vice President of USTA National, emphasized the need for greater transparency within the organization.Read More
Brian Vahaly, the First Vice President of the USTA, was one of the featured speakers at the USTA Texas Annual Meeting a couple of weekendsRead More
A black and white flag with the words “Come and Take It,” a picture of a cannon with a single star, is an icon ofRead More
1 responseIn November of 2022, I disclosed that I had never recalled dreaming about tennis when sleeping. I was shocked into that revelation by the numberRead More
4 responsesThe company I work for strongly encourages its employees to get a comprehensive annual medical exam. My personal theory is that they want to gaugeRead More
In case you missed it, the “Pickleball Slam 2” featuring a slate of retired professional tennis legends was conducted last Sunday evening. The competitors includedRead More
1 responseI have recently come to realize that my relationship with tennis is better categorized as a pursuit rather than a hobby. In fact, while theyRead More
Design-oriented thinking is a method to reframe quality of life as something that can be intentionally curated. It is a practice and philosophy that wasRead More
On the first full weekend of each month in 2024, I am exploring tennis-specific interpretations of concepts presented in ‘Designing Your Life: How to BuildRead More
I will never forget the first time I saw Chelsea Grear on a tennis court. My doubles partner and I were watching tournament matches fromRead More
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