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USTA Shadow Rankings

Last Wednesday the USTA sent out an email to Adult tournament participants entitled “Upcoming Shadow Rankings: What You Need to Know.” That email contained what is believed to be an error in the first sentence, indicating that the communication was to inform the recipient about “2020 USTA Junior Tournaments Shadow Rankings.” The first paragraph also included verbiage about “players and parents.”

2020 Tennis Industry Forum Recap

The TIA Forum revealed how some parts of the tennis industry regard consumer segmentation. Tennis players are divided into two groups, core and —wait for it — non-core. The dividing line between these two demographics is at the 10 playing occasions per year. In other words, anyone who plays at least 10 times a year is a core player.

Adult Tennis Tournaments in 2021: Update

Last week the USTA sent not one — but two — emails to its adult members on the new adult 2021 tournament structure. One subject line posed the question on whether the members are “Up to Date” on the coming changes. The other was titled along the lines of “The Top Things to Know.” This may be the start of a new informational blitz in preparation for the rollout 2021. It is also an opportunity to revisit my previous coverage of this topic in light of the new information that has emerged in those two communications.

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Play It Again Sam: No NTRP Ratings Bumps This Year

A couple of weeks ago the USTA sent an email addressed to all league and tournament players announcing that there will be no NTRP ratings updates published at the end of 2020. I believe that the majority of the regular readers of this site compete in adult tournaments or leagues, thus also received the email. Consequently, I am assuming that most are already aware that the “bump” will not occur this year.

Get Out and Play: Promotion of Tennis to the General Consumer

On the day of opening play in the US Open this year, the USTA announced a plan to use the tournament as a platform to promote awareness of key initiatives to promote and develop the growth of tennis in the United States. In addition to raising the visibility and awareness of social issues, “Rally to Rebuild,” “Net Generation,” and “Tennis Industry United,” were featured.