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Rankings Point-Chasers The Importance of Why Game, Set and Match: Secret Weapons of the World’s Top Tennis Players Checking the Quota Allocation for the NTRP National Championships Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Walk the Dog Tennis Beyond the Headlines: February 17, 2025 Does Your Tennis Facility Have an AED? A Narcan Kit?

Play It Again Sam: No NTRP Ratings Bumps This Year

A couple of weeks ago the USTA sent an email addressed to all league and tournament players announcing that there will be no NTRP ratings updates published at the end of 2020. I believe that the majority of the regular readers of this site compete in adult tournaments or leagues, thus also received the email. Consequently, I am assuming that most are already aware that the “bump” will not occur this year.

Get Out and Play: Promotion of Tennis to the General Consumer

On the day of opening play in the US Open this year, the USTA announced a plan to use the tournament as a platform to promote awareness of key initiatives to promote and develop the growth of tennis in the United States. In addition to raising the visibility and awareness of social issues, “Rally to Rebuild,” “Net Generation,” and “Tennis Industry United,” were featured.

NTRP National Championships 2020 and 2021

Over the weekend, the USTA sent out a letter to players who were slated to play in the individual NTRP National Championships in 2020. It was a follow up to a survey sent out to players shortly after the original event in April was cancelled. The survey was sent to explore the possibility that the NTRP Championships would be rescheduled for October of this year. This new communication makes it clear that there will be no tournament in 2020.

Learn To Play: Tennis vs Pickleball

As an interesting thought exercise, I set up two web browsers side by side and pointed them at google. For the sake of technical completeness, I did this from a newly initialized virtual machine from a browser with no search history and ran the session through a VPN to ensure that the search could not be associated with my previous internet activity in any way. From this pristine state, I constructed a pair of queries: “learn to play tennis” and “learn to play pickleball.”

A Bow Wave of Waivers and a Positive Test

One sure sign that tennis is gearing up for the resumption of play following the COVID-19 hiatus is the bow wave of requests to sign waivers currently populating my email inbox. Waivers will clearly be required to participate in organized tennis going forward and in some cases to use facilities at all. Not surprisingly, this new wave of waivers includes updated language addressing transmission of communicable disease while playing tennis. It makes me nostalgic for the days when tearing an ACL or other physical injury was the primary concern.