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Basket Case: The Gift of Tennis for Easter Improve Your Tennis IQ: The off-court workout for on-court skills A Ratings Expiration Edge Case A Final Yoga Flow Tennis Beyond the Headlines: March 24, 2025 Tennis Ratings Management: Adult Edition Tennis Ratings Management: Junior Edition

An Open Discussion about Tennis Autobiographies

As a general rule, I am not a big fan of biographies about tennis players. I double down on that statement when the book is positioned as an autobiography. The simple fact of the matter is that if I am going to read a book about tennis I am looking for a return on the investment of time. For me, that narrowly boils down to books that can help me play at a higher competitive level and books that help me understand the history of tennis.

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Winning Ugly

The final installment in the “obvious three” series is Winning Ugly: Mental Warfare in Tennis–Lessons from a Master, by Brad Gilbert. Winning Ugly is the essential companion to Inner Tennis. I wish I could claim that observation, but it is actually asserted in the forward of Winning Ugly. I mean, who wouldn’t want to hitch their plow to the tennis book juggernaut that is Inner Tennis.

Tennis Books: String Theory

Books about tennis do not sell very well. It is kind of a surprising fact when you think about it. Tennis is generally thought of as a smart person sport. Smart people read books. Yet somehow tennis players, who are incredibly passionate about playing the sport, don’t read books about it.

Six Weeks to a Better Level of Tennis: Week 5

I am in the middle of a six week structured improvement program inspired by one of Dennis Ralston’s books, Six Weeks to a Better Level of Tennis. During this time, I am publishing a status update on the effort every Sunday. This week as I reviewed the inventory of all the training activities that I had devised for myself as a part of this project, I came to the realization that I had not touched on the creation and practice of match routines that would directly lead into better footwork patterns.

Six Weeks to a Better Level of Tennis: Week Two

This project has brought me to the realization that my tennis training has been suffering under the tyranny of the calendar. Due to my age and geographic good fortune, I have a lot of opportunities to play both league and tournament tennis. I habitually fill my calendar with those opportunities. Consequently I am perpetually heading into some sort of match that matters.