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Anna Chakvetadze is a Russian former professional tennis player who earned her peak WTA ranking of #5 in 2007. In 2010 she was featured in a Tennis Channel “Bag Check” featurette where she pulled out a zippered storage bag. Despite the fact that she characterized this as a “make up” bag, this is something that all players should consider using to organize their gear. Yes, even the guys.

A zippered gear bag is a blank canvas for individual expression and there are a lot of cute and funny options available. For sheer functional utility, I have a strong preference for the Eagle Creek Pack-It bags. These are waterproof plastic bags with a mesh outer liner that adds durability. Additionally, they all come with a clip that is useful for attachment to mount points on the bag. The ability to quickly locate gear is essential during the limited time available during a changeover.

I use an Eagle Creek gear bag to store aerosol sunscreen, insect spray, and the lotion sunblock that I use on my face. The bag makes it easy to quickly put my hands on these items. The plastic liner also protects the other contents of the racquet bag from accidental discharge or leakage of any of these things. That can straight up ruin adjacent gear if not the racquet bag itself.

I have previously written a lot about the kind of gear that tennis players should carry on court for a competitive match. It also makes sense to package those items for organization and efficiency. The Eagle Creek Pack-It organizer set is a great approach for doing just that.

Eagle Creek Pack-It Sac Packing Organizer Set
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